Software patents, where is democracy

What do they think they are doing?? Not much more than a week ago we were demonstrating against European software patents in Brussels, shouting ‘this is not a banana republic’, only to be confronted with more banana tactics this week: apparently they (the council of ministers) tried AGAIN to put this up as an A-item on the agenda of the meeting of ministers of agriculture&fishery. This means that it (the council proposal about software patents) will most likely be ratified, without discussion (more info on this can be found on the ffii website, along with all the gory details about how democracy is a farce in Europe.

A couple of questions come to mind: first of all what do the ministers of agriculture&fisherey know about software patents? How can they be expected to know the consequences of their act of ratification?
But the most important question to me is: when will it end? When will Europe be a democracy, when will the voice of the parliament (and thus the people) be taken serious? My hope is that the new constitution (which by no means is perfect) will bring this democracy. I hope the constitution will finally bring an end to the back-rooms and secret decisions, an end to the unlimited influence of multinationals on European regulations. I mean, come on, THIS IS NOT A BANANA REPUBLIC!

(so vote YES on the constitution, vote YES on democracy)

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One Response to “Software patents, where is democracy”

  1. Koen Martens Says:

    Good news! It will not be an A-item this time again. But still, we do we always have this, why do we keep having to fear for things like this, the council trying to tackle democracy by these kinds of sneaky actions? It makes you pessimistic about europe to the max!

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