Democracy is indeed dead

The unbelievable happened. Democracy is officially dead, offered to the multinationals and capitalism. Here’s what happened: Danmark wanted to prevent the software patents directive to be passed as an A-item (meaning it would just be accepted without discussion or votes). They wanted to ask for a B-item, but not if they were alone. The Netherlands and Poland would support Danmark. But when it came to it, Danmark bowed to microsoft’s blackmailing (‘if you don’t support software patents, we will close our offices in your country’), The Netherlands cowardly went quiet and Poland (who once before saved us from software patents) had no choice to also step back.

To me this is so very clear: the parliament doesn’t want this directive, the people don’t want it, the only ones who want it are the big multinationals, and they apparrenlty have succeeded in buying off the ministers. What a great EU we live in, YUCK! I’d say, if you can’t beat them, join them. Sign up to this pledge, in the hope we collect enough bribery money so we can win the ‘one vote per euro’ election that is apparently standard procedure in the EU council.

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